'The Route' page has just been updated with a general description of the Eastern sections of the Tour. We calculate the total mileage from Spokane, WA at 3,212 (5,138 km). If we tack on the first leg from Port Townsend, WA to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho in 2009, our coast-to-coast distance was 3,611 (5,777 km).
During the coming months, we plan to complete a number of works of original art from our observations across the continent for the 'Rolling Home Art Show' opening in Portsmouth, New Hampshire on January 7, 2011. In addition, we will be adding more poems and stories to the Blog from our notes, and collect additional road poems and songs in English, French and Kreyol. These will be organized and posted on the Blog along with an album of the art on a separate page, so please keep checking in.
In addition, watch for a BEST OF TOUR posting coming soon. Categories will include, after great deliberation, our choice of:
- most incredibly beautiful road
- toughest climb
- most amazing story
- best bike shop
- 'the host with the most'
- best camp spot
- best B&B
Through these media and whatever additional ways we find, we hope to keep raising awareness and funds to help continue and expand the work of the Art Creation Foundation for Children in Jacmel, Haiti.
Finally, with the exhilaration of this amazing experience still fresh in our veins, we will be dreaming of and planning the Rolling Home Tour 2011 edition. The idea will still be to combine cycling, art, poetry and at the same time promote a worthy cause. Please let us know your suggestions, keep biking and think about joining us next summer!