Tuesday, June 2, 2009


The first five hundred miles from the shores Pacific across the Cascades to Coeur d'Alene and then on to Heron, Montana were a tantalizing taste of more to come next summer. After you are on the road for a while, the destination matters less than what you experience along the way. Time slows down and days melt into nights and then more days. Returned reluctantly to the East Coast by air to fulfill work obligations but with a solemn oath to return to Spokane by train and then Coeur d'Alene to pick up the trail in 2010.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Rainy Pass

High above the snow line
Where the people do not go
Breathless, arched to heaven
Straining, banking, breathing
Sun drenched air
conditioned the cascading waters
pierce every cell

Lowland strangers here
We grasp for meaning even as
We climb

Raven spreads her wings
Wren nods
New life cries out
A warning

These are sacred heights
Do not ask
Do not stare
Pass through lightly,
With no sound

Thursday, May 28, 2009

On Sunset Highway (Rte 2), Heading East

Suspended in time and space
The taut road ahead
Shimmers, a twisted steel cable
Stretched across the pale yellow hilltops

I scan the sunrise
Back mercifully to the wind
and sodden shore
I am an inchworm inching my way
Above the crowd

I am a Great Wallenda, 
Gripping the balance beam
Holding the pose
Sliding one slipper
Ahead of the of the other, steadily
In perfect tune
Two wheels firmly planted
on the high line

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Whidbey Island Book Club

Safe in the rain shadow, bonds secured
Words launched into the high canopy
Rest adrift

In the worn cafe, animated currents
Born of shared memories
Seek a shore

Still in the deep past, tangled here,
In nettle, elderberry, ocean spray
Whisperings with softened edges


We are here

In the mist, stories rising
in words,
in bondage,
in crossings.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Leaving Seattle

By ferry north toward Port Townsend and Whidbey Island..and so begins the Rolling Home Tour 2009.